Official Jetshift Wiki

Abyss is a secret world in Jetshift that appears as an ocean exploration level with many goodies included. It is the biggest level in the game, with a length of up to 1,600 feet to the right and is very deep, with maximum depth reached at the edge of the map.

The Abyss is seperated into five different layers:

  • Epipelagic Layer (1) consists of natural ocean wildlife with no landmarks.
  • Mesopelagic Layer (2) starts at 1,250 feet down and it appears slightly dark with rare shipwrecks (see Shipwreck for more details). Some of the more hostile creatures also begin to spawn down this deep.
  • Bathypelagic Layer (3) starts at 4,500 feet down and it is the darker part of the Abyss. Bigger shipwrecks will spawn down here, as well as more hostile creatures.
  • Abyssopelagic Layer (4) starts at 6,000 feet deep and is the almost pitch-black part of the Abyss. Powerful hostile creatures will spawn down this far so it is not recommended to explore if the player has early-tier equipment. The biggest shipwrecks will spawn down here as well.
  • Hadopelagic Layer (5) is the deepest part of the Abyss at 9,000 feet deep, being completely pitch-black. The most powerful hostile creatures will spawn down here alongside rare treasure chests, but shipwrecks don't spawn.

At layers 3 and greater, the player will start to lose HP unless they have a Diving Helmet. At Layer 5, the player will need to have Diving Gear, otherwise they'll die instantly.

As the player ventures deeper into the abyss, light decreases. If they go 8,500 feet down, no light exists. Light in the Abyss can be brightened if the player has light accessories. All accessories account for 10% more brightness, so maxed out light buffs can allow for the deepest travels. However, if by any chance the Abyss spawns any deeper than 24,000 feet, it will be impossible to see, even with all light accessories equipped.

If the player dies at any time in the Abyss, they will respawn on the world map in World 6. The player will also lose any items they have collected in the Abyss unless they have returned to the world map beforehand, meaning if the player has collected any items in the Abyss but fails to leave safely, they will lose the items they have collected during that period.

To leave the Abyss, the player must reach the top of the level, where a transition will play and save all progress made in the level. Quitting out of the abyss via the pause menu is disabled.
